Google Chrome Killer

Yeah, This meme is an inspiration to build a program/script which kills all the Google Chrome processes and saves your RAM for being kidnapped by chrome.

I named the application “Google-Chrome-Killer” because it kills all the running process of chrome. You can check the processes in the task manager.

The program is written in python language. It uses the “psutil” library which retrieves information about the currently running process.

After we have list of all the running process we can search all the processes named chrome and save it in a list.

Using the killprocess() function we can kill the process bypassing its PID as argument.

Each chrome process is killed one by one by the killprocess() function using a for looooooooooooooop.

Yeah that pretty it, problem solved no more chromes to eat my RAM..

You can download one for your windows PC.

Chrome will ask you to disregard the downloaded file for obvious reasons but you have to click keep it anyway.

*Caution* Please save all your work before killing chromes.

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The code is uploaded on GitHub.If you have any suggestions or optimization push them at GitHub or mail me. 🙂

There are two versions of the program

  • CUI version.
  • GUI Version built using Tkinter library.

The executable version is built using the pyinstaller library, Check the tutorial on how to build an executable python script.

Github Repo link: GitHub Repo of Chrome Killer.

Don’t Forget to share it with your friends .

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