You can publish your own emoji design for the world to use.

Emojis are like a second language to a lot of us now. They have taken the art of expressing emotions through text to a whole new level.

But do you know you can make your own emoji and publish in the official emoji library managed by unicode.

Unicode is a computing industry standard managed by Unicode consortium to ensure consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text expressed in most of the world’s writing system.

In short, Unicode is the wwwc (world wide web consortium) for characters & symbols. It is a body which maintains the consistency so that you get similar-looking characters and symbols across different platforms such as emails, text messages, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.

Unicode currently has more than 150,000 characters in there library these include character & symbols from different languages, numeric symbols, punctuations, mathematical symbols, and Emoji & Pictographs.

Unicode constantly adds new symbols and character for new languages and of course emojis.

Currently, Unicode has more than 3,019 emojis and they add more every year.

So, if you want to get your emoji added to the Unicode system follow the online proposal to unicode.

The process is pretty straight forward you design the emoji and send it to them.

Wait, it’s not that simple, the whole world will be using your emoji so they have a selection factor guide upon which your emoji will be evaluated.

Process after submitting your emoji to Unicode:

  • The Emoji Subcommittee review and refine proposals with those who submitted them.
  • Proposals that meet all the selection factors are then passed to the Unicode Technical Committee.
  • The Technical committee finalizes everything that will go into the Unicode Standard, like assigning a universal code for each emoji.
  • Vendors including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, and Facebook will all see the list and weigh in on the designs.
  • The Unicode’s Common Locale Data Repository establishes a name for the emoji and records the name in languages other than English.
  • Finally, the last step: designing! Vendors will design the emoji for there platform and update it in the next release of there software.

After passing all the terms and conditions, finally, your emoji will be published for the world to use and will get a special Unicode ID.

Fun thing:

You can go the link below and track the real-time use of emojis on Twitter. We all know the winner already.


Emoji Proposal, Selection Guide, emojination, emojipedia, emojitracker, emojistats

Unicode Consortium