Customize your Android Mascot and Make it yours.

Customize your Android Mascot and Make it yours.

Android is all about fun and lively experiences continuing that enthusiasm android has launched a tool to Android mascot and make a unique one that is truly yours.

Where to find the customized Android bot tool.

Android mascot customize tool is available to use by everyone, anyone can customize the Android bot and make a unique one based on their likes and personality.

You can find the tool at the Android website at

Android mascot cutomization tool

What can the tools do?

Android mascot customization option

After clicking get started you can find the screen where you can customize your android mascot.

There are 5 ways you can customize your android mascot.

  1. Change its materials-  as in the color & texture of the mascot's body, 25 options to choose from.
  2. Clothing-  put on some clothes there are 20 options to choose from.
  3. Accessories - put on a hat, glasses, or headgear, 20 options to choose from.
  4. Props- add a prop like a camera, watch, game console, etc, 20 options to choose from.

Some Important links

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Get certification from top universities [Coursera]

Python for Everybody [Getting started with python]

Google-certified Python Course Crash Course in python

A VPN to stay anonymous & secure on web [AtlasVPN]

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Once you are satisfied with what you have created you can click on the check button to finalize your creation.

After clicking the check button, you can download your customized mascot. or use the qr code to download the mascot on your mobile.

Give it a try, make your own Android mascot

Customize your own Android Bot | Android
Build your own bot and customize your Android character with a wide range of different textures, colors, clothing, and more.

I have made this space pirate android mascot.

Android customize your mascot is cool and fun to play tool with and keeps the Android quirky spirit alive

What does your mascot look like.? What does your mascot look like? comment below.

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