Jupyter Notebooks now have a standalone desktop app.

If you have spent fair time programming in python you might have come across Jupiter notebooks. Jupyternote is popular among the data science community beacause of its feature to run code in “cells”. The output generated is saved within the notebook. Also, jupyter notebook can plot graphs and visualizations then and there just below the code which makes it super helpful and hassle free to plot charts and share code with output bundled together.

If you are new to jupyter note book check outPyhton Jupyter Notebook Basics with Cheatsheet to get started.

Until now web browsers were being used to access jupyter notebooks via a URL is common “localhost” served by the jupyterlab server running locally on your PC.

But recently, Jupyter labs launched its browser-based standalone cross-platform application (developed using Electron). It can be installed on Linux, mac, or windows.

You can download the jupyter lab installer from their Github. Before installation read this “Jupyter Lab standalone installer environment guide” to set up and configure your virtual environments correctly.

Jupyter lab standalone application

Jupyter lab standalone application comes with a pre-installed virtual environment and some basic python packages such as NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, etc.

To install modules in jupyter notebook you can use the command

!pip install <package_name>

Alternatively, you can try jupyter notebook in your browser , google codelab or kaggle. If you know any other jupyter notebooks website share it in the comments.

Thank you for reading, Happy Learning, drop your suggestion in the comments.

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