Quickly Design and Autogenerate Tkinter GUI code

Tkinter is a standard Python package that is used to create easy-to-use GUI interfaces in Python. Tkinter has many GUI widgets such as buttons, labels, menus, messages, radio buttons, scrollbars, etc. which can be customized using attributes like dimensions, colors, fonts anchors, etc.

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You can write code to generate a GUI window as per your requirement but it can take a lot of effort and time to learn how to place and customize widgets using tkinter.

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There has been a rise in nocode frameworks which provides a more intuitive and easy way to make applications without writing code. Would. Would it be great if you could make Tkinter GUI without writing code?

There have been many drag-and-drop frameworks to create Tkinter GUI but this module Tkinter Designer is one step ahead of all.

Tkinter designer bridges the gap between design and development. It uses Figma Designer to design the graphics of the GUI and then auto-generates the code by inspecting the Figma design.

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If you are making software with a GUI using Python most probably you might be using TKinter. Well, TKinter is good for college and hobby projects but if you need a modern-looking UI for your Python application front end you have to the right place. Recently I discovered this amazing

Tkdesigner process flow

Tkinter designer replicates the design with all the attributes made in figma and generates code for the same to make GUI using tkinter.

Some Examples of GUI created by Tkinter Designer

The project is fairly new the first commit was on 18 May 2021 and has gained 287 stars on github since then. The open source community is loving the project and has already started improving it.

You can give it a try and help the developer to continue the project by visiting and giving a start to his project at https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer

To install Tkinter designer run the command

git clone https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer

cd Tkinter-Designer

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 tkinter_designer.py

Watch the tutorial of Tkinter designer


Thank you for reading, Happy Learning, drop your suggestion in the comments.

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