Sync notion and google calendar.

Recently I started using Notion to organize my blogging stuff and whatnot. I am just loving it and kinda addicted to it now. No more google docs, Trello, etc., etc. just notion to all.

But still, I use google calendar to organize my meetings and plan my day. So, now I have to go back and forth between notion and google calendar syncing my meetings, meeting notes etc. manually. One event at a time.

Until I found this great automation tool which uses the later released API of notion to sync your google calendar with notion calendar. What a lifesaver.

You can now use the Notion Automation’s Calendar to sync your google calendar in your notion. The coolest part, It syncs 2 ways that mean if you change something it reflects in google calendar and if you change something in google calendar it automatically updates your notion calendar too.

Video from Reddit

This is one of the most awaited features for notion which is now possible using the latest Notion API release.

The developer has also shared a walk-through video of him on how to set up notion automation and sync your notion calendar with google calendar. They are now listed on product hunt Leave a comment if you use notion.

Thank you for reading, Happy Learning, drop your suggestion in the comments.

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