Google Pixel 4 Reimagining Audio Recording.

Google Pixel 4 Reimagining Audio Recording.

Google is ready to launch its latest Pixel smartphone on 15th October.

Pixel 4 is ready to compete recently released iPhone 11 with its advanced hardware and software.

Google Pixel 4 is featuring Google Soli Hardware Chip which started as an idea in the Google ATAP Project, Google Soli work somewhat like a handsfree gesture recognizer. (Know More on Soli).

What about audio recordings?

We have seen some great use of AI-based intelligent voice recognition in Alexa, Google Home, google assistant and google live transcribe. These apps are extensively using voice recognition to make human-gadget interaction more human-like.

Recently, Google released a teaser (see at the end) of how Google pixel 4 is reimagining Voice Recording.

The new Google Recorder Google claims to transcribe the recording in real-time and label them with tags such as ‘speech’, ‘music’, ‘noise’ etc.

Now, since it can transcribe the audio correctly, you can search the text to find a phrase or word and seek to the exact moment in the audio and re-listen the part.

Now this feature could be very handy and useful for journalists and students and even radio jockeys or podcast hosts, they can now transcribe and search words within long audio and save time hustling to search a pin a haystack.

Google Pixel 4 Audio Recorder Update

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